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For a career in AI, strong fundamentals and soft skills crucial

In light of concerns about AI taking over white-collar jobs and a sluggish job market, we have decided to launch a webinar series focused on the tech skills and competencies that are most valuable for young tech professionals today.

Sashi Kumar, head of sales at Indeed India, a job search platform, argues that there is currently a surge in demand for AI engineers rather than fear of AI taking over jobs. This is due to the constant need for companies to develop intuitive solutions. Kumar believes it is more important to focus on acquiring skills that will secure jobs in AI, rather than worrying about the future impact of AI on employment.

Anita Christopher, talent development head at Samsung Semiconductor India Research, suggests that if we step back and objectively observe our surroundings, we will realize that we are entering a world of hyper intelligence, hyper sensors, and a hyper-connected way of life. She believes this presents numerous opportunities for AI to serve as a helpful assistant.

Which skills are essential in our postmodern world? According to Kumar, the answer varies depending on one’s specialization, but overall, programming languages like Python, Java, JavaScript, and SQL are in high demand among tech companies.

In addition, Christopher emphasizes that soft skills are just as important as fundamental skills for success in our fast-paced world. While technical skills can be developed, attitudes towards learning are more challenging to change. Creative thinking, problem-solving, analytical thinking, and having a growth mindset are considered crucial.

Kumar stresses the significance of a growth mindset, noting how the use of the term has increased by almost 150% in Indeed job postings over the past two years. A growth mindset entails believing in one’s ability to improve skills through hard work, the right strategies, and guidance from others. It is more about continuous learning and personal development rather than simply possessing a set of qualifications.

Indeed’s job postings also reveal a growing emphasis on creativity, with the use of the word increasing by nearly 70% in job openings, according to Kumar.

For entry-level professionals seeking a career in AI, Kumar suggests that certification courses can be beneficial for getting a foot in the door. Certifications serve as evidence of a certain level of skill or proficiency and can be helpful if one’s work experience is limited.